Our commitments


As a responsible skincare brand, we only use ingredients that are safe, purposeful and correspond to specific needs. They must directly contribute to either improving skin or supporting the integrity of a formulation.


Each skincare formula and fragrance is made from a harmonious blend of active ingredients that respect your skin. We only work with clinically-proven ingredients, and all of our products are free of controversial substances like Mineral oils, Phthalates and Parabens.


We subject our formulas to strict in vitro and clinical testing which ensure the highest standards of accuracy. Tests are carried out on targeted consumer groups which help us determine their efficacy. Once their properties and actions have been proven, we analyse the results which we always share with our customers.


Tests are conducted by the Department of Pharmacology and Cellular and Molecular Toxicology at the University of Medicine of Pavia in Italy. All the tests are conducted under dermatologist control as well as ophthalmologist control when it comes to products applied on the eye contour area.


EISENBERG Paris is in full compliance with the European Regulation (EC) n°1223/2009, as well as the 7th Amendment Cosmetic Directive, which prohibits animal testing. We also comply with international cosmetics regulations and requirements for safety in every country where our products are sold.


We are committed to delivering leading-edge, luxury skincare and fragrances to customers around the world. Our meticulously crafted formulas meet the highest standards.


We create the most innovative formulas based on our advanced in-house research and expertise. We seek out ingredients which deliver desired properties, potential and proven efficacy, both on their own and in synergy with other ingredients. They must work to create exquisite collections of fragrances, and efficient, skin-respecting formulas with exceptional sensoriality. Furthermore, we regularly update our formulas to anticipate any regulatory requirements and remain in compliance with the latest updates from INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients).



Research has always been at the forefront of EISENBERG Paris. Our very first discovery, the patented Trio-Molecular® Formula, was perfected only after 13 years of research and 2 additional years of intense testing. Our ongoing commitment to biotechnological innovation and our exacting research into natural ingredients remains the bedrock of our formulations.




We offer a 360° sensory experience which begins the moment you see our formulas and fragrances on the shelf or website. As beautiful on the outside as they are inside, our packaging designs are subtle, elegant and sophisticated. When applied, our petal-soft creams, feathery emulsions and gentle serums glide on effortlessly. Our products not only improve your skin’s health but offer multi-sensory luxury designed to transform your state of mind.


We recognise our responsibility to transmit a heritage of beauty to future generations. From packaging to ingredients, we are continually working to protect the beauty and health of the planet and its inhabita



To reduce our environmental footprint, we use high-quality materials in the manufacturing of our primary and secondary packaging. Each stage of the manufacturing process is optimised to avoid creating additional waste. Our packaging, made from plastic, paper and aluminium components, is recyclable. Our secondary packaging and leaflets are made from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources which have received FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification.




Our products are formulated with carefully selected natural and biotechnological ingredients which comply with EU cosmetics regulations. Our skincare and make-up ingredients are traceable, and chosen with respect for the environment and their proven skin benefits. We constantly work to improve our products and avoid using controversial ingredient, always respecting the regulatory and safety thresholds and restrictions. For instance, we do not use plastic exfoliating particles but mineral ones, we innovated reformulating all our products without controversial parabens well before some of them were restricted by regulation, we do not use or stop using UV filters such as oxybenzone (benzophenone-3) or octocrylene before they are restricted by regulation. Our fragrances are made with alcohol extracted from beetroot, we do not use perfume fixatives or restricted ingredients such as SVHS and photosensitizer components.


We strive to create a more beautiful world through fairness and inclusivity. We stand side-by-side by our customers, team members and partners in everything we do. At the end of the day, YOU are our biggest source of inspiration.



As demonstrated through our unwavering commitments to beauty, quality and the environment, we work every day to create value for ALL people. Our products are designed to improve the skin of all women and men no matter their skin type or need. Everyone is welcome in the EISENBERG community.




Our commitment to inclusion extends to our hiring practices. We strive to ensure that all of our employees, both present and future, feel welcome, included and evaluated based on their capabilities, nothing else. Equal opportunity, equal pay, equal respect. Our employees are not just a random group of individuals but equally integral members of a passionate, purposeful team.


Learn more about our skincare, make-up and fragrance creations.

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