In the city's hustle and bustle, your beauty routine gains importance. Urban life exposes your skin to pollution and daily stresses that can affect your well-being. Urban beauty is all about defending and detoxifying. Discover our protective skincare products to shield or soothe your skin from city pollutants. Detoxify with products that refresh and cleanse your skin from the grime of urban living.
In the city's hustle and bustle, your beauty routine gains importance. Urban life exposes your skin to pollution and daily stresses that can affect your well-being. Urban beauty is all about defending and detoxifying. Discover our protective skincare products to shield or soothe your skin from city pollutants. Detoxify with products that refresh and cleanse your skin from the grime of urban living.

Pollution Defense: Prioritize skincare products that act as a shield against the harmful effects of urban pollution. Look for antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and anti-pollution ingredients such as Moringa Seed Extract to create a protective barrier for your skin.

Detoxify Daily: Incorporate a detoxifying step into your daily routine to cleanse your skin from the grime and impurities that accumulate from urban living. Cleansers and masks designed for detoxification can help restore your skin's vitality.

Hydration on-the-go: City living often leads to busy schedules and tend do not drink enough. Choose a moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated throughout the day, combating the dehydrating effects of urban life.

Stress Management: Urban environments can be stressful, and stress negatively impacts the skin. Consider taking some me-time to calm and relax.


Antioxidant - Anti-inflammatory - Moisturising
Extract of Purslane
A very effective anti-pollution and antioxidant ingredient that decreases the production of free radicals. Working as a shield, it soothes skin with its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and DNA protecting benefits. Purslane extract also relieves itching and ensures skin's wellbeing.
Pollution-proof - Purifying
Moringa seed extract
This purifying anti-pollution botanical extract is obtained from the Moringa Oleifera tree, also known as the “Miracle Tree”, one of the most valuable plants thanks to its amazing health and skin benefits. It delivers dual-action, deeply purifying the skin while protecting it against pollution. Complexion remains healthy longer and recovers its radiance.



To safeguard your skin from urban pollution, adopt a few essential practices. Firstly, cleanse your skin regularly to remove pollutants. Incorporate anti-pollution skincare products rich in antioxidants. Apply a daily broad-spectrum sunscreen for protection on top of your moisturizer or a alone. Keep your skin well-hydrated to strengthen its natural barrier. And consider minimizing outdoor exposure on high pollution days. Consider Protection Idéale SPF 30 PA+++, an all-in-one product that answer all these needs. aussi lumière bleue

To maintain a fresh and radiant look during city life, focus on a lightweight foundation. Use a primer to create a smooth canvas. Highlighter on key areas enhances radiance. Additionally, apply a hydrating lip balm to keep your lips moisturized and add a touch of color.

Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers suitable for your skin type. Apply targeted treatments with pimples-fighting ingredients as needed, such as SOS Boutons. Last but not least, you may consider stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness and exercise to improve overall skin health!

Pollution can have detrimental effects on your skin. It can lead to clogged pores, breakouts, and premature aging. Airborne pollutants and free radicals can damage skin cells, resulting in a dull complexion and the breakdown of collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and fine lines. It's crucial to protect your skin from these harmful effects with proper skincare and cleansing routines.